Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I mean, I'd never heard the phrase "Superdelegate" before two months ago, and now it seems that every Tom, Dick and Harry is one.

Seriously, just saw Tom Daschle on Jon Stewart the other night, he's a superdelegate, and today I read that apparently hooker-lovin' governor of New York (at least, for the next day or so) Eliot Spitzer is one, too.

Is there a list somewhere? I mean, shit, I'm half expecting to get a letter from my grandmother mentioning that she's going to the convention this August!

Apparently the 2008 Democratic National Convention will have approximately 794 superdelegates, according to the NY Times.

I just googled the definition, which is "party officials seated at the convention as delegates without regard to primary or caucus results".

I mean, doesn't that seem rather undemocratic to you? I mean, this is a bigger scam than the electoral college ...
posted by Josh at 5:12 PM |