Sunday, August 24, 2008

Welcome to the new site!

We still have a few loose ends from Newlywed in Dubai to clean up (for example I anticipate a few fiery diatribes about our Dubai shipping company and the 30 boxes of our stuff that's been languishing in the port of Boston for about a week and a half now), but for the most part it'll center on setting up our new life in Maine.

It should be fun, just not in a "building-the-world's-tallest-structure" or "building-islands-shaped-like-palm-trees-in-the-open-gulf" kind of way.

If that doesn't sound like your particular brand of vodka, help yourself to as much food as you like and safe journey. No hard feelings.

Otherwise, come with me.
posted by Josh at 6:24 PM |


At 7:44 AM, Blogger LadyBanana

I have enjoyed reading your Dubai blogs and would like to subscribe to this one now.

Will you be adding an RSS feed?


At 9:27 PM, Blogger Josh

Hmmm, yes.

I hope to.

I just ... have to remember how, that's all.


At 8:29 AM, Blogger Shep

Now get in the goddamn house


At 10:37 AM, Blogger Josh

(That, along with the vodka line, are quotes from Ocean's Eleven, in case you were confused ...)