Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Four years ago I lived at my brother Daniel's house in Bridgton. This was, of course, pre-Liz and pre-Dubai.

On November 3, 2004 with the election between Kerry and the incumbent Bush too close to call, I went to bed. When I woke up, I was in a foreign country.

And I mean that literally. At some point in the night, when the television pundits called it for Bush, my brother took down his American flag out front, replaced it with a pirate flag, and seceded from the United States of America.

I'm not making this up. The (albeit limited) press release sums it up nicely:

> Daniel Edwards declared himself the president of
> Danmark, raised the Jolly Roger pirate flag in place
> of the American flag at the entrance to the new
> nation, and went to bed cranky.

True, my brother never did issue his own currency, and kept paying his US taxes. The Duty Free Liquor Store that was planned never materialized, either. But the pirate flag flew high for four years.

Until some point last night.

I haven't seen the official news release yet, but I was just emailed a photo which speaks for itself ...

posted by Josh at 5:26 PM |


At 9:03 AM, Blogger RA

And this year, I was able to convert my husband to the good side. Well, the scariness of SP as potential VP helped a little...