Saturday, February 07, 2009
posted by Josh at 5:52 PM |


At 7:56 PM, Blogger RA

Like I said in the text message...

even with the roids, he's still a painsy. mwahaha.

Yet another example of why it's such a good thing that the Sox didn't get him a few years ago. phew.


At 7:43 AM, Blogger Josh

Yeah, and that 2003 - 2004 offseason was when the Sox were pursuing him!

Man, what a different Red Sox team that would have been in 2004 if that had signed him ...



At 8:35 AM, Blogger giantcu92

I am thinking that they should put suspensions into effect in MLB like they do in UCI Cycling. First proven offfense, you're gone, for 2 years. And then after you serve your 2 year suspension, you don't immediately get to return to the "big leagues", you have to ride in a smaller team, sort of the major league equivalent of triple AAA ball. Second offense, you're banned, for life.

I am thinking that this would make them not dope. But probably not, they're always be cheaters out there.