Tuesday, March 03, 2009
So for a month and a half I've been kicking around an idea in my head.

First, you have to be aware of California's Prop 8 which passed in November. That vote changed the state constitution to read: "Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California."

Next you have to be aware of the recent bill introduced in the Maine Legislature to recognize marriages between same-sex couples in the state. (See the Kennebec Journal: "New Try on Gay Marriage").

Then we throw in last week's study from from the Williams Institute at the UCLA School of Law, that says that the Maine state economy would get a $60 million boost over three years if same-sex couples are allowed to marry in the state ("Financial impact of gay vows studied").

So sure, $60 million is a lot of flamboyant weddings. But I was thinking bigger. Way bigger.

Hollywood big.

Think about it - Hollywood studios are a multi-billion dollar a year industry - I think I read somewhere around $26.7 billion last year. These days actors and actresses live anywhere they want, fly to the set, then leave. The real money in the film industry is with the whole ensemble of people it takes to make a movie - you know, makeup people, costumers, set designers, grips, key grips, dolly grips, best boys, gaffers, assistant directors, casting directors, production coordinators, production assistants, script supervisors, script coordinators, location managers ... then there's studio executives, creative executives, development executives, support staff ... pretty much everyone who lives in Los Angeles county.

And the thing is lots of studios are run by, let's face it, gay dudes. (Ever hear of the "velvet mafia"?)

So this is my plan: simultaneously pass massive tax rebates for filming in the state and a law that recognizes marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples. Boom. All of the 818 and 310 area codes would move here in a heartbeat.

You like living on the coast? We've got 5000-some-odd miles of it. Winter ski trips? Lots of mountains around here, pal. And several of Portland's gourmet restaurants make the top 50 list each year.

Plus you can be gay and we won't give a shit, unlike those stuck-up conservatives in California with their whole "marriage between a man and a woman".

Forget them!

I think it's a smart idea. But the timing has to be now - Massachusetts and Connecticut already recognize marriage equality for gay and lesbian couples under state law, and legislation is being introduced this year in New Hampshire, Vermont and Rhode Island as well. (Liberal New England, much?)

Count me in for Hollywood, Maine. Anyone else?
posted by Josh at 6:55 AM |