Tuesday, May 26, 2009
20090526_new_pepsi.png(a/k/a Josh is So Very Jealous Right Now)

I really do enjoy corporate logos and branding, how an entire corporate philosophy is built around consumers' expectations of a product (or service) upon seeing a name, logo or even color.

But sometimes the brand creators and stewards go a little too far.

Sometimes a logo just looks neat.

Or at the very least, different.

Apparently back in February (although I just found about it today via @dbiello) Gawker posted a 27-page internal PepsiCo branding document extolling the new Pepsi logo (above) and likening it to da Vinci, the Renaissance, the Mobius Strip, the cartesian coordinate system, the Earth's magnetic field, etc etc.


Check out: "'Breathtaking' Document Reveals Pepsi's Logo is Pinnacle of Entire Universe".
posted by Josh at 2:04 PM |


At 2:19 PM, Blogger Shep

Have you ever checked out the blog Brand New? Just google 'brand new blog' and you'll find it. Great daily opinions all across the world of design daily.