Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I went to work for the LEGO Group (technically "LEGO Media Santa Monica") nine years ago this summer.

At the time we were developing several properties, the only one to see the light of day was Galidor: Defenders of the Outer Dimension a live-action show about a 15 year old boy who could transform parts of his body into machines.

Yes, it was as lame as it sounds.

(Look for the Michael Bay feature adaptation next year).

At the time all of my Disney co-horts, heck everyone I ran into, told me we should make a movie or show about LEGO mini-figures. Makes perfect sense, right?

Well guess what they just announced in Variety today?

"Warner builds pic with Lego".

I'm so ahead of the curve on this one it's scary ...
posted by Josh at 10:53 PM |