Back when I first moved to Dubai I was bored and missed some of my friends, so I went a little crazy with the Cheez Whiz and photoshopped my buddy Ochs (sounds like 'oak' as in tree) into a variety of historic documents, you know, Civil War, moon landing, Zapruder ... check them out at Ochs in History.

Well on Thursday's episode of Fringe they did the same thing - photoshopped a bald dude into a variety of historic documents. Only in this case it wasn't Ochs but their version of the Watcher.

First they dropped him into Paul Revere's "The Bloody Massacre perpetrated in King Street":

Next he's witnessing Marie Antoinette at the Place de la Révolution:

Lastly he's in the crowd watching Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914:

Now I realize JJ Abrams' minions probably never visited my Newlywed in Dubai site and probably never saw Ochs in History, but still, I kind of feel ripped off.
But I guess there is more than one of everything ...