Good morning everyone, and Happy New Year!
Well, so far it's been happy, I'm at work (long story, but I'm getting paid double-time so hey, works for me), but there's a beautiful layer of snow on the ground, with the promise of more on the way today and tonight. Tomorrow? Blizzard '010.
Nope, doesn't sound right.
"Blizzard 2010"?
Naw, too Sci-Fi - even for me, and that's saying something.
How about "The Blizzard of Ten" (to be said in a wicked good Maine accent)?
Better than nothing!
Tonight we're going (weather permitting) to the a
Red Claws basketball game for the first time. It was one of our Christmas presents to my dad, because Lord knows we all don't need more stuff lying around!

Anyway, I'll let you know how the game is, and how the Expo looks (I heard the lighting is
much less yellow, which'll be nice).
So go out and enjoy 2010. "The Blizzard of Ten" hits tomorrow,
Labels: basketball, Red Claws, snow