Tuesday, November 25, 2008
So I pulled a stupid move tonight. After work I went to my new gym, which is actually pretty smart of me. But at the end of the workout, I decided to just shower at home.

OF course with the driving wind and rain, it took extra long to get home tonight. And then, as I'm driving up my street, I realize how dark it is. Extra dark. No street lights. And all of the houses are dark, too.

Dammit - we've lost power.

So this was at 7 pm. The electricity finally came back at 9:20.


Still, being without power makes me really wonder just what it'd be like to live back in the olden days. So the sun goes down at 4:05 and you just end your day? Boring.

Then again, I didn't have television, the microwave or the internet for two and a half hours and I was pretty much ready for bed.

But now the internet's back, so I'll be up for a few hours yet ...
posted by Josh at 9:31 PM |