Friday, February 13, 2009
I missed this one yesterday: "Microsoft to Open Stores, Hires Retail Hand".


Just like how Microsoft ripped off the Mac operating system for Windows, they're now copying Apple.


And don't get me started on portable media players. Apple premieres the iPod in the fall of 2001, it takes off, so Microsoft brings out the Zune in the fall of 2006. Five years later.

Slow to the party much?

Of course the difference between the two companies is night and day. Seriously, how many of your friends own a Zune?

But back to the store story. The best part is who Microsoft has hired to lead this retail revolution. Apparently they've snatched up David Porter, a 25-year veteran of ... Wal-Mart.

Are you kidding me?

Back when Apple was developing their first retail stores, they appointed the then president of The Gap to its board of directors, and then hired Target's vice-president of retailing to run that division.

Target and The Gap versus Wal-Mart.

Night and freaking day, people.

I honestly can't wait to see what kind of cluttered crap-ass store Microsoft comes up with.

Actually to give you an idea, check out this parody video from a few years ago:

posted by Josh at 8:22 AM |