Sunday, November 08, 2009
For a science-minded person I believe a lot of "weird" stuff; you might have seen my rants about aliens here before.

I'm fascinated by evolution, too. Don't worry, I believe in evolution by natural selection - but I wonder if creationism is that far off. Granted, I don't think God or Jesus made us from spare-ribs, but I do wonder if humans have been tampered with. I've seen studies that say endogenous retroviruses had a hand in human evolution - the remnants of which make up our "junk" DNA.

I wonder, where did these viruses come from? Did something create them? Something that wanted to turn apes into us?

Anyway, articles like this always fascinate me. It reminds me of that episode of X-Files where the loggers discover ancient bugs in the old growth trees in Washington state.

But it's better, because it's real: "Frigid Antarctica Loaded with Viruses".
posted by Josh at 9:23 AM |