Thursday, November 26, 2009
So I've meant to talk about this a few different times, that the new Stephen King novel Under the Dome is set in fictional town of Chester's Mill, Maine which is based on Bridgton - where Liz grew up and where my brother lives now.

King used to live there back in the day - that's where he set The Mist as well.


Well somehow I missed this story last week, they're planning to make it into a TV miniseries.

"They" in this case being Steven Spielberg and his DreamWorks crew: "Spielberg, King team on 'Dome'".

Now, I'm not naive enough to think they'll really shoot the show in Bridgton, but no matter where they film it if there's a little green house in the background I'll say, "There's my brother's place!"

posted by Josh at 7:55 AM |