Friday, February 13, 2009
Twitter logoI don't have time for Facebook.

I don't have time for Twitter.

Shoot, I barely have time to write anything of any substance on this site!

But last week I had three "Why aren't you on Facebook?" emails. I've actually formulated a nice boilerplate response and placed it in a TXT file on my computer desktop. Easy access.

I mean, I have everyone's email already - do I really want to catch up with the kid I sat behind in 3rd grade?

Gee, that'd be an interesting conversation. "So what have you been up to for the last 24 years? Are you still picking the wings off of flies? Do you still eat paste? Pretty much catch me up on your life since Ronald Reagan's first term."


In fact, I barely even read any blogs. I have two set up in my browser's RSS feed - my buddy Tuan's and my buddy Tim's. The only reason I like them are because they each only update bi-monthly.

To be fair I used to read Mike Och's blog, but then he stopped updating a year a half ago. I also used to read "Blogging Like I've Never Blogged Before", which was written by one of Mike's high school friends. Oddly, I had never met the dude. Made me feel like an internet stalker. Then he quit blogging.

I actually don't like the term "blog" at all, either. It sounds too blunt. Crass even. Like something from Klingon.

jIH muS blogs!!

Besides blogs the only "social networking" site I care for is photo sharing at Flickr. And shoot, I've only uploaded twenty photos over there in the last six months.

I simply took more photos in Dubai, I had more time to.

Which is why Twitter is the most useless idea I've heard in a long time. Do we really want a play-by-play, minute-by-minute update of anyone's life?

Maybe an astronaut landing on the moon. Maybe those people on Flight 1549 who landed in the Hudson River a few weeks ago. But beyond that?

Yet here's New York Times' David Pouge writing about Twitter yesterday. And of course we've all heard about Erykah Badu twittering while giving birth last week.

My whole frustration is really summed up quite nicely by someone else. Yesterday afternoon my brother sent me an interesting article from - "Digital Overload Is Frying Our Brains".

Couldn't say it better myself, so I won't.
posted by Josh at 6:42 PM |


At 10:24 PM, Blogger Shep

Check this article out: