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Apr 22, 2011
Happy Earth Day!

To celebrate Earth Day today let’s look at the history behind the ubiquitous recycling logo: “Who designed the famous recycling symbol?”

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Jan 26, 2011
Ugly New CMP Logo

I opened up my Central Maine Power bill last night (and yes, the bill is higher with these new smart meters) and found an ugly new logo inside.

Not that the …

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Aug 19, 2010
Abu Dhabi Logo

Our friends in Abu Dhabi, capital of the UAE and neighbor to Dubai, have a new logo: “The Abu Dhabi Brand: Rich.”

I like it. It’s classy, which is nice; …

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Jul 22, 2010
New Symbol for Rupee

This is interesting, apparently up until last week the Indian Rupee didn’t have its own unique symbol – you know, like the “$” for dollar, ”£” for the pound sterling …

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Jun 11, 2010
Fresh From Florida

I haven’t talked much about BP’s Oil Spill here, although I’ve had something like 53 days to do so.
It wasn’t until I saw this logo from the Florida Department of …

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Jun 1, 2010
New Logo for California Adventure

They released the new logo for Disney’s California Adventure park the other day on the Disney Parks Blog: “First Look: New ‘World of Color’ TV Spot.”
Check it out:

Here’s the old …

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May 10, 2010
United Continental Logo

Recently United and Continental Airlines announced they were merging.
Frankly I didn’t care much about the merger until I saw this photo:

Look at the abomination of a logo on …

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Mar 25, 2010
Cool Michigan Logo

I saw this logo for the Michigan Economic Development Corp in Fortune magazine the other day and it really appealed to me:

Clever, eh?

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Mar 2, 2010
Scenes From the Jaypocalypse

Slow news day so I’ve been catching up on the mass of articles about Leno last night. The battle-lines are drawn, most are either for him or against him, …

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Mar 2, 2010
Last Night

So last night was the first night of the new Tonight Show, re-starring Jay Leno.
I didn’t watch it, as much as out of solidarity with Conan as out of loathing …

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