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Mar 22, 2011
Free iPad Story

I don’t know if I buy that this is true, but it makes a great story: “iPad 2: Wife Says No, but Apple Says Yes“.
Apple is paying close attention to …

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Jan 27, 2011
Apple Magic Glove

Not that it’s set in stone, by any means, but Apple was just granted patent for a new glove system, as reported by Apple patent watchdog patentlyapple: “Apple Wins Patent …

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Jan 12, 2011
Snow in 49 States

I love factoids like this:
With the arrival of snow in New York and the unusually severe storm in the South – which dumped more than a foot of snow in …

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Nov 26, 2010
American Indians in Iceland

Fascinating article in Time Magazine (or at the least on their website) today about how Leif Ericsson and pals probably took an Native American (or a Canadian First People) to …

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May 17, 2010
Fringe Finale

I’m going to let my geek flag wave here today – over the weekend I watched the first part of the Fringe season finale. Sorry it’s so closely on …

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May 11, 2010
French Press To Go

Wow, I just saw this article at the New York Times “Coffee to Go That Brews While You Carry It.”
It’s a fully-recyclable single-use French Press cup called the “XPress cup” …

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Apr 13, 2010
Bar Harbor Subway

I don’t know where I saw this the other day, but it’s awesome and odd at the same time.
What if Bar Harbor had a subway?


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Apr 7, 2010
Back to the Alternative Future

Last week the show Fringe had a plot that took place in an alternate reality 1985.
Of course, the guys who write and produce the show are genius, so they threw …

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Mar 19, 2010
Inernational Politics … and Zombies

Apparently international politics must be quiet at the moment; Foreign Policy had a lengthy piece on zombies this week: “Dawn of the Theories of International Politics and Zombies.”
Lots of research …

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Feb 17, 2010
USB Outlet

This is the most genius invention I’ve seen in 2010 so far: Power Outlet with Dual USB.

If I owned my own house (and if I had $20 to spend) I’d …

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