This is from a few weeks ago, but I love word origins, here’s the etymology of the world wide web: “Web.”
Read This PostI found this website, that builds word clouds out of text files.
So I uploaded the 380 pages of my Newlywed in Dubai: Best of the Blog book and came …
The Christian Science Monitor has some new words from our current economic times. Check out: “Recession slang: 10 new terms for a new economy.”
2. Permatemp, n. The condition of …
This New York Times “On Language” column is from a couple of weeks ago, but it’s clever and educational and portmanteaus (portmanteaux?) are always fun.
Plus I agree with Mr. Garner …
So as you know South Africa is hosting the FIFA World Cup in June.
Ahead of that, the “Schott’s Vocab” blog on the New York Times has a …
Read This PostNo.
No, no, no, no: “Hella number: scientists call for new word for 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.”
Before this article I’d never heard of “Yotta-” before (it means Septillion) and now they want …
I think I’ve linked to this blog before, but quite frankly I’m feeling too lazy right now to check. “Schott’s Vocab” is a blog on the New York Times …
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