Zecharia Sitchin was Right?!

Holy shit they just found Nibiru!

Check out: “Up telescope! Search begins for giant new planet“.

If you grew up thinking there were nine planets and were shocked when Pluto was demoted five years ago, get ready for another surprise. There may be nine after all, and Jupiter may not be the largest.

The hunt is on for a gas giant up to four times the mass of Jupiter thought to be lurking in the outer Oort Cloud, the most remote region of the solar system. The orbit of Tyche (pronounced ty-kee), would be 15,000 times farther from the Sun than the Earth’s, and 375 times farther than Pluto’s, which is why it hasn’t been seen so far.

(Nibiru, for those of you who aren’t tinfoil hat enthusiasts, is the planet from which extraterrestrial who visited the Babylonians originated, at least, according to looney tunes Zecharia Sitchin).

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