Archives › March, 2011
Mar 30, 2011
Pasquerella on Perkins (and LePage)

I don’t want to make “this all Paul LePage, all the time” but I have to share this.
Mount Holyoke College President Lynn Pasquerella wrote a letter to the New York …

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Mar 28, 2011
New York Times on LePage

So we’ve had Jon Stewart, Rachel Maddow and countless blogs chime in on Governor LePage’s decision to remove murals from the Department of Labor.
Let’s add the New York Times to …

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Mar 25, 2011
LePage Funny

Which of these is funnier?
“Gov. LePage Orders Little Girl’s Sandcastle Kicked In”
“LePage Orders Cancellation of Labor Day”

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Mar 24, 2011
Oh LePage!

A thanks to all of the people who voted for Mitchell, Moody or the other one there. You brought us to this.
Robert Reich – Robert freakin’ Reich! – comments …

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Mar 24, 2011
Duh, Transit

I know, I know, making fun of USA Today is a little easy. But even this story is basic beyond belief: “City’s design, transit system can ease gas costs“.
Key …

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Mar 23, 2011
Einstein Quotation

I just saw an interesting/scary quotation and thought I’d share:
I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks …

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Mar 22, 2011
Free iPad Story

I don’t know if I buy that this is true, but it makes a great story: “iPad 2: Wife Says No, but Apple Says Yes“.
Apple is paying close attention to …

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Mar 15, 2011
Florida High Speed Rail

Awww. AWWW!
“Study: High-speed train would have made money“.
Key quote:
The Orlando-to-Tampa high-speed train scuttled by Gov. Rick Scott as a multibillion-dollar boondoggle would have made money from Day One, …

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Mar 14, 2011
The Rise of Humanity

Today’s New York Times article has nothing to do with Facebook, in fact, it’s 15,000 years older than the six year old social website. Check out: “Supremacy of a …

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Mar 11, 2011
Proud to be an American

Interesting David Brooks column at the New York Times today: “The Modesty Manifesto“.
Key quote:
If Americans do, indeed, have a different and larger conception of the self than they did …

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Mar 9, 2011
There’s An App For That …

So this is terribly geeky, but indulge me.
I’ve come to realize over the last two months that the whole point of having an Apple iPhone is to amass applications, or …

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Mar 9, 2011
Disney Media and Advertising Lab?

I’d never heard of this before: “Disney’s lab studies people“.
Key quote:
A typical study might have two similar groups of viewers witnessing almost identical content under identical conditions. That way any …

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Mar 8, 2011
Funny Joke

I just read a funny joke on the Daily Kos:
A CEO, a tea party member, and a union worker are all sitting at a table when a plate with a …

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Mar 8, 2011
Disney post-Disney, Apple post-Jobs

Aol’s DailyFinance website had a so-so article yesterday I wanted to share: “Apple After Steve Jobs? Disney May Hold a Clue“.
The premise is that the Walt Disney Company (then named …

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Mar 8, 2011
New Leibovitz Disney Portraits

Last week the Disney Parks Blog posted a few new photos from Annie Leibovitz: “Disney Parks Unveils New Annie Leibovitz Disney Dream Portraits“.
Check out Olivia Wilde and Alec Baldwin from …

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Mar 7, 2011

I’ll probably mess this link up, I’m having difficulty with posting links from my phone, but check out this article on left-handedness from today’s New York Times:
“On the Left …

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Mar 7, 2011

While on vacation last week I saw an interesting article in the New York Times: “Once a Villain, Coconut Oil Charms the Health Food World“.
Key quote:
“But my favorite new way …

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Mar 6, 2011
We’re back!

We’re back from our vacation to Florida and Walt Pixar World. Err … “Walt Disney World”.
For a minute I was confused, it appeared those Pixar characters had taken over …

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