Archive for May, 2012

What’s in a Name? (Gulf Ed.)

Friday, May 18th, 2012

Remember when we were in Dubai and we said how they refer to the Gulf as “the Arabian Gulf”?

Well it appears that Google has found itself in the midst of that debate now: “Iran: Map Sets Off Dispute With Google“.

Life and Death

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

Since becoming a father I’ve taken a hard look at my views on war and capital punishment. I have found myself in a deep sanctity-of-all-life place. Everyone is somebody’s child. Everyone deserves love.

And then I read this story, and I want to hang the motherfucker by his neck until he is dead:

Father admits to squeezing, throwing infant son, police say“.

Class #2 Final Grade

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

Looks like I got a 3.70 (A-) for my final grade in the Health Communication Masters program class!

I’ll take it!

Class #2 Further Update

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

No word on my final grade yet, unfortunately I did get an 80 on my final paper (oops!) but got a 100 on the presentation, with these notes:

Excellent presentation, Josh! You had a thought-provoking, well planned presentation, with a strong purpose and sufficient context. You were very engaging and delivered your presentation with ease and charisma. You paid excellent attention to detail and did a terrific job thoroughly answering questions. Congratulations!

So that’s something!