Posts Tagged ‘Presidents Day’

Toyota Hates Lincoln

Monday, February 21st, 2011

Happy Presidents Day!

Or, if you’re Toyota – “Happy Washington’s Birthday”.

Does anyone else think that’s weird?

Where’s Abraham Lincoln?!

Maybe the fact that Saturday was the 150th anniversary of the inauguration of Jefferson Davis as the President of the Confederate States of America had something to do with it?

That the company’s division responsible for Toyota’s engineering design and development, R&D, and manufacturing activities in the U.S., Mexico and Canada is headquartered in Erlanger, Kentucky?

Or that, of the ten manufacturing locations in the United States, seven are in the South?

Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing, North America, Inc. (Erlanger, Kentucky)
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Alabama, Inc.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Indiana, Inc.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Kentucky, Inc.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Texas, Inc.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, West Virginia, Inc.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing, Mississippi, Inc.
Subaru of Indiana Automotive, Inc.
Bodine Aluminum, Inc. (Missouri & Tennessee)
TABC, Inc. (Long Beach, California)
Canadian Autoparts Toyota, Inc.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada, Inc.
Toyota Motor Manufacturing de Baja California, S. de R.L. de C.V.

And let’s face it, there were plenty of Southern Sympathizers in Indiana. While the state stayed Union, I think several counties seceded.

So clearly, Toyota, as a southern company, hates Abe Lincoln and has moved to erase him from their advertising, and thus, American media.

Happy Presidents Day.

(And yes, I realize that “George Washington’s Birthday” is the official Federal holiday, but honestly when was the last time you ever heard someone call it that?!?)