Archive for March, 2010

Islamic Solidarity Games and “The Gulf”

Monday, March 1st, 2010

So now the Islamic Solidarity Games have been called off because host-country Iran inscribed “Persian Gulf” on the tournament’s official logo and medals.

This, as we know from last week, is bad news (see Iran and the “Arabian Gulf”).

Check out the New York Times article: “Muslims Won’t Play Together.”


Monday, March 1st, 2010

Now, we know from popular fiction that zombies don’t run. Real zombies shuffle around, moaning that they want to eat brains. In fact, that’s all that zombies do – shuffle and moan.

Thus real zombies do not run, jump, or climb stairs. That’s why living on the second floor is the best idea to avoid zombie attacks. They can’t get to you.

Any popular fiction where zombies do run, jump, or climb stairs is patently wrong and should be disregarded.

But last night, in my Target brand NyQuil-induced haze, I had a thought – what if zombies knocked down the walls of the first floor? Knocked down the whole house?

Then you’d be in trouble.

Maine Restaurant Week

Monday, March 1st, 2010

Maine Restaurant Week logoApparently Maine Restaurant Week starts today.

So if you have extra money, and like to eat, I’d suggest you check it out.