Posts Tagged ‘coffee’

31 Ounces of Coffee

Tuesday, January 18th, 2011

I meant to mention the new Starbucks Coffee logo the other week but was swept up in other nonsense.

It’s okay. Nothing earth-shattering. (Although changing the logo on 16,000-some-odd stores might be costly!)

Well Starbucks is in the news today, again for something rather silly. Today they’ve announced a new 31-ounce sized iced tea and coffee drink – the “Trenta”. Check out: “Starbucks Expanding Rollout Of 31-Ounce Drink Size“.

Canada’s National Post points out that’s larger than an average human stomach.

French Press To Go

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

Wow, I just saw this article at the New York TimesCoffee to Go That Brews While You Carry It.”

It’s a fully-recyclable single-use French Press cup called the “XPress cup” made by California’s SmartCup, available at NYC’s BKoffie.
