Posts Tagged ‘things that I don’t agree with’

Paul LePage was just kidding. Honestly. He’s not really THAT dumb.

Wednesday, December 8th, 2010

Not to beat this to death, but the other day I quoted the Portland Press Herald who said that incoming Tea Party Governor Paul LePage thought that if 35 states opposed a law it would die law “automatically”.

Well his lackies have now clarified his remarks: “Paul LePage clarifies disputed comment on health care reform.”

Apparently the law to which he was referring was:

… the introduction of a possible constitutional amendment to allow any provision of federal law or rule to be repealed if at least 35 states object to its implementation.


Because he’s not a moron.

Paul LePage gets his “Facts” from Email Forwards From his Crazy Aunt

Monday, December 6th, 2010

I have to mention a quote in this Portland Press Herald article: “Incoming AG weighs fight over health reform.”

See, apparently the new Maine government is joining legal fight against the Affordable Care Act (a/k/a “Obamacare”).

Here’s the quote regarding our new Tea Party Governor:

LePage also said he recently learned that if 35 states join the lawsuit, the law “dies, automatically.”

Not true, according to outgoing Attorney General Janet Mills.

“That’s not the law,” she said. “A congressional act does not get voided or overturned simply because a certain number of state officials join some lawsuit. I don’t know what he’s talking about.”


Doesn’t that sound like a “fact” that you’d see in some email forward sent from the same person who sends out weekly computer virus warnings or cell phone marketing scams?

And now he’s our governor.

Thanks everyone who voted for Mitchell, Moody or Scott!

Goodbye Maine Sunday Telegram

Sunday, September 12th, 2010

I belong to that increasing population of people, mostly under the age of 40, who get most of their news from the internet. During the week I don’t buy a daily paper, save for the free Forecaster and Portland Daily Sun.

I do subscribe to the weekly Bridgton News to get local hometown stories, however, and on the weekend, we routinely get the Maine Sunday Telegram.

Until now.

Yesterday morning I was reading the Portland Press Herald online and was pleased to see such a nice article about Eid ul-Fitr in Portland: “A show of faith and forgiveness“.

We went about our day, got home at night and saw this linked-to on Facebook: “Newspaper apologizes to those offended“.

Readers began writing to me and to our paper and website en masse, criticizing our decision on coverage and story play of the local observance of the end of Ramadan by local Muslims.

Are you kidding me?

Are you f@#king kidding me?

The crazies are taking over the show. The people who comment on the website are running the editorial direction of the paper.

I’m done with the Portland Press Herald.

I’m done with the Maine Sunday Telegram.

If any of you are offended by this direction the paper is taking, please take five minutes to send a Letter to the Editor to let them know how you feel.


Tuesday, March 16th, 2010

Oh yeah, I joined Facebook over the weekend, so go find me if you’re into that stuff.

Still ‘Under God’

Thursday, March 11th, 2010

Can’t say I’m pleased with this: “Court: ‘Under God’ in Pledge is constitutional.”

In summation – a federal appeals court ruled that the words “under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance and printing “In God We Trust” on currency doesn’t violate the separation of church and state.

So I guess because it doesn’t say which God it’s okay?

Let’s reinterpret the First Amendment to the Constitution. Can’t have an Congress-established religion? Then it’s an “appeal to patriotism, not religion.”

Nevermind the fact that “under God,” which was added to the pledge by a 1954 federal law, was lobbied for by the Knights of Columbus – a friggin’ religious group!

Now I realize that our country is something like 78.5% Christian (CIA World Factbook, 2007 estimate), and if you added the 1.7% of the population that’s Jewish and the 0.6% that’s Muslim we have eight of of ten Americans worshipping the same Abrahamic God.

But why’s it got to be on the money?
