Sunday, July 4, 2010 at 5:00 am
By Josh
I was going to be patriotic today, but I’m not great at that. So instead? Disney lesson!
You might remember this chap below from a Newlywed in Dubai blog post two years ago today (see 4 On The 4th).

His name is Sam the Olympic Eagle, he was the mascot of the 1984 Summer Olympics, and was designed by artists at the Walt Disney Company.
What makes this interesting (at least, to me) is that there are two other Sam Eagles out there, both also owned by Disney.
From 1974 to 1988 Disneyland park’s rotating Carousel Theater was home to the America Sings attraction which was hosted by “Eagle Sam” who was voiced by Burl Ives.
Interestingly, once the attraction closed most of the Audio-Animatronic animals were reused in the then-being-constructed Splash Mountain, which opened the summer of 1989.
The other Sam character is Sam the Eagle the censor and cultural moderator of the Muppets, who are now owned by Disney.
My favorite Sam the Eagle line is from the Disney theme park attraction MuppetVision 3D. In charge of the show’s grand finale, Sam says he has planned “a tribute to all nations, but mostly America”.
Anyway, thanks for putting up with this lesson, and Happy Fourth!
Tags: Disney, holiday, Muppets, Olympics
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Thursday, July 1, 2010 at 11:14 am
By Josh
I bet you thought I forgot that today was July 1, eh?
Nope, I’d never forget Canada Day!
Go celebrate with your loved ones.
Tags: Canada, Canada Day, holiday
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Friday, June 25, 2010 at 2:27 pm
By Josh
Uh-oh! Did you see this in the New York Times: “On iPhone 4, a Mystery of Dropped Calls“?
Apparently there are concerns that holding the new iPhone 4 in one’s left hand results in poorer signal performance, including dropped calls.
And I’m left handed!
So I guess it’s a good thing I don’t have one!
Tags: Apple, iPhone
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Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 6:05 am
By Josh
Apple’s new iPhone 4 is being released today.

Think I’ll just wait until iPhone 5 comes out in 2011.
Tags: Apple, iPhone, Things I want very badly
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Thursday, June 24, 2010 at 6:00 am
By Josh
Today’s the 53rd anniversary of Kenneth Arnold’s UFO sighting, a/k/a UFO Day!
Tags: holiday, ufo
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Thursday, June 17, 2010 at 5:00 am
By Josh
This one took me aback, until I noticed the slight-of-hand in the wording (I’ll underline it).
Denver has 300 days of annual sunshine.
Located east of a major mountain range, Denver has a mild, dry and sunny climate with more annual hours of sun than San Diego or Miami Beach. In winter, Denver is dryer than Phoenix with an average daily high of 45 degrees in February.
So I assume the days are longer in Denver? Why more annual “hours”?
Tags: Denver, facts
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Wednesday, June 16, 2010 at 6:00 am
By Josh
Denver is big on sports. So you can imagine they’re one of the thirteen cities with teams from four major sports.
But they tout themselves as being one of two cities in the United States to have seven professional sports franchises (Philadelphia is the other).
(For the record, Arena Football League died in 2008.)
So they list:
Denver Broncos (NFL)
Colorado Rockies (MLB)
Colorado Avalanche (NHL)
Denver Nuggets (NBA)
Colorado Rapids (MLS)
Colorado Mammoth (NLL)
Denver Outlaws (MLL)
Huh. Personally I’d say that the WNBA is bigger and better known than the indoor NLL or the outdoor MLL.
Shoot, the MLL only has six teams! And one of them is in Canada!
But since Denver doesn’t have a WNBA team, they went with these others.
Instead I’d have brought up the Denver Barbarians Rugby Football Club from the Rugby Super League. “Denver Barbarians” sounds bad-ass. I might need a t-shirt …
Tags: Denver, facts
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 2:01 pm
By Josh
Now that I’m liberated from my job, I can do things like take back returnables and go to Target in the middle of the day. So I did both this morning.
Because of the early hour, I didn’t expect to see any familiar faces. But to my surprise, I did. Look at what I saw in Target’s CD section:

Yes, that’s Dubai’s Burj Al Arab hotel on the cover of Owl City’s Ocean Eyes CD.
I have no idea who Owl City is, they’re on Universal Republic records, an American label so I don’t know what their connection to Dubai is. Wikipedia says their genre is “Synthpop, Dream pop” – whatever that is. Doesn’t sound particularly Arabic or Islamic.
I know, lots of questions, few answers. Just thought I’d share.
UPDATE: Found an interview with Owl City (apparently the band is just one dude?) and he says if he could live anywhere in the world, he’d live on the top floor of the Burj Al Arab.
He sounds like a bit of a tool in the interview. He posits that he’d get good at tennis if he lived there because of their suspended tennis court on the top floor. Of course there isn’t one, sadly; he’s referring to the stunt in 2005 where Andre Agassi and Roger Federer played a match on the helipad (see No Tennis Stunts).
So that answers that question.
Tags: Burj al-Arab, Dubai, Ocean Eyes, Owl City
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Tuesday, June 15, 2010 at 6:00 am
By Josh
Today’s fun fact is about growth and population make-up of Denver.
Denver grew by 30 percent in the 1990s – an average of 1,000 new residents a week, every week for 10 years.
Today the city has a population of 594,740, while there are 2.7 million people in the metro area.
Tags: Denver, facts
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Monday, June 14, 2010 at 6:05 am
By Josh
Miami’s weird. Sure, I’ve never been there, but I’m familiar with their Vice, their Bad Boys and their Crime Scene Investigators (seriously, do the police all drive Hummers down there?)
But Crockett and Tubbs, Mike Lowery and Marcus Burnett and, um, David Caruso’s sunglasses aside, their sports teams just flat out confuse me, most recently with their renaming Joe Robbie Stadium for the Super Bowl (see “Super” Bowl).
The new baseball stadium that the Marlins are building is also bizarre – the retractible roof looks, to some people, like a giant bagel-slicer on its side.
But that’s not the extent of the weirdness; last week it was announced two salt-water aquariums will serve as the home plate backstop.

For more, and a few more jokes, see this Miami Herald article: “Will Wild Pitches Scare the Fish?“
Tags: Marlins, Miami, Miami Herald, things that don't make sense
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Monday, June 14, 2010 at 6:00 am
By Josh
Liz is off today for Denver, and I’ll follow in a few days – one of our friends we met in Dubai is getting married out there.
Along with the usual flights, hotels and rental cars I’ve been looking up fun facts about Denver. It’s a fun way to get excited about the trip, and I get to learn something. I figured I could share some with you, because sharing is caring.
As you probably know Denver is about 5,280 feet above sea level – one mile high. In Denver’s rarified air, golf balls go 10 percent farther. So do cocktails. Alcoholic drinks pack more of a punch than at sea level. The sun feels warmer, because you are closer to it and there is 25 percent less protection from the sun, so sunscreen is a must.
The Mile High City is also extremely dry, so it is a good idea to drink more water than usual. With less water vapor in the air at this altitude, the sky really is bluer in Colorado.
Tags: Denver, facts
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Sunday, June 13, 2010 at 4:00 pm
By Josh
Gail Collins had an interesting op-ed in the New York Times last week: “The Rise of the Richies“.
Made me think of Maine’s own Les Otten.

Tags: Les Otten, NY Times, politics
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Friday, June 11, 2010 at 6:05 am
By Josh
A Romanian dude snuck aboard Sheikh Mohammed’s jet! Dude, if they’d landed in the Middle East we never would have heard this story: “Stowaway survives flight from Austria to London on Sheikh’s jet.”
Tags: Dubai
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Friday, June 11, 2010 at 6:00 am
By Josh
I haven’t talked much about BP’s Oil Spill here, although I’ve had something like 53 days to do so.
It wasn’t until I saw this logo from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services that prompted me:

Anyone else think it looks like SeaWorld’s logo?
I’m creeped out.
Tags: BP, Florida, Gulf Oil Spill, logo, oil spill, Sea World, seafood
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Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 6:24 am
By Josh
It wasn’t a great concept – is it for kids or for drunk adults? – but it’s still sad: “Disney to close 5 ESPN Zone restaurants.”

They’re keeping the one at Disneyland’s Downtown Disney and one near the Staples Center in LA.
Tags: Disney, ESPN
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Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 6:19 am
By Josh
My wife likes tennis, I like Disney. Put them together, you get Rafael Nadal at Disneyland Paris celebrating his fifth French Open:

Tags: Disney, Disneyland Resort Paris, Rafael Nadal
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Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 6:16 am
By Josh
Aw frigging hell: “Say goodbye to full-time jobs with benefits.”
James Stoeckmann, senior practice leader at WorldatWork, a professional association of human resource executives, believes that full-time employees could become the minority of the nation’s workforce within 20 to 30 years, leaving employees without traditional benefits such as health coverage, paid vacations and retirement plans, that most workers take for granted today.
Going to go cry now.
Tags: CNN, economy
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Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 6:00 am
By Josh
I’ve been thinking quite a bit about Apple’s new iPhone 4 they revealed yesterday. It seemed like I’ve wanted an iPhone for the last three and a half years. Oh wait, I have (see iPhone).
In fact, I’m pretty pissed off that I don’t have one.
One of the reason’s that I’d like a real job – I mean, other than health benefits, sick days and vacation days – is for a real paycheck of which I could spend gobs and gobs towards an iPhone and data plan. That’s where they get you, you know, that monthly data plan on top of the already outrageous cellular plan. I just can’t afford that right now. And that upsets me.
I’m also really jealous of my friends who do have iPhones, which these days is most of them. Every time I get an email from a friend and the last sentence is “sent from my iPhone” it grates my nerves. Why do they get an iPhone and I don’t?
Mostly because they’re not a temp, I’d assume.
In fact, now that I think about it, other than “sloth” I think I experience the full set of Cardinal Sins each time I think about the iPhone:
Wrath: see above
Greed: I want I want I want I want
Sloth: n/a
Pride: I’m supposed to be an Apple fan without an iPhone?
Lust: Okay, similar to this case to envy.
Envy: see above
Gluttony: My Motorola RAZR works just fine, really.
So wait, did I just prove Apple evil? Crap.
Forgive me Steve Jobs, for I have sinned …
Tags: Apple, iPhone, religion
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Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 6:52 am
By Josh
Did you see that Apple released info on the new iPhone 4 yesterday?

It comes out June 24.
Tags: Apple, iPhone
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Monday, June 7, 2010 at 7:15 am
By Josh
From today’s 7Days: “A Dubai hotel for Gucci’s girl“.
Tags: 7Days, Dubai, Gucci, hotel
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